Site for consultation in all fields, the student counseling in conjunction with one of the trainers or consultants who have as assess or earlier study be subscribe to consult one, weekly or monthly and displays advises consultative or coach the attic back in secret Thanh and in the fastest time and the student counseling evaluates CPPCC and put his attic
Script your answer - Solving programming the site and design of the site
Programming features
1.Project Type : Abkoshn Web
2.Programming : Special Programming
3.Project category: social sites
Design features
1.Design Type: Template
2.Design compatibility: Complies on programming
3.Design Standards: Complies with the Web2 & W3C
4.The project features
5.Showing Consultants
6.The possibility to participate with more than advisory
7.Questions and Answers Review
8.Secret questions and answers
Assess the possibility of CPPCC
The possibility of choosing organic Anonymous
Lodge complaints on consultants if they did not have an adequate answer